Full Moon Breathwork

Monday August 19th
Breath of Life temple

Hillsboro, NH

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About Sturgeon Moon Breathwork

Experience the transformative power of the August Full Moon representing abundance with our immersive 90-minute breathwork in the country quiet of Hillsboro. As the lunar energy reaches its peak, embark on a journey of self-discovery and renewal and access your divine wisdom within with Sonya Lyn.


As the Full Moon rises overhead, I will lead you through a series of breathwork techniques designed to deepen your breath, expand your awareness, and unlock the body’s natural healing potential. Through conscious breathing, you’ll release stagnant energy, emotional blockages, and stress, allowing for a profound sense of release and rejuvenation.
Throughout the session, you’ll be guided by music and supportive cues, encouraging you to surrender to the rhythm of your breath and the wisdom of the Full Moon. Each inhale fills you with vitality and clarity, while each exhale carries away anything no longer serving you, leaving you feeling lighter, freer, and more aligned with your true self.
As the session draws to a close, you’ll have the opportunity to rest in stillness, integrating the profound shifts and insights that have emerged during your breathwork journey. Take a moment to reflect on your experience, feeling the gentle embrace of the Full Moon’s energy as it illuminates your path forward.
Leave feeling renewed, revitalized, and empowered to continue your journey of healing and growth. Join us for our Full Moon breathwork experience, and awaken to the magic within.



Benefits of the Divine Breathwork experience, including conscious connected breathing as a somatic release, include:
Stress Reduction: The intentional breathing techniques employed in this session promote relaxation and help alleviate stress, allowing participants to experience a sense of calm and balance.
Emotional Release: Through the power of breath, participants may find a cathartic release of stored emotions, promoting emotional healing and a greater sense of emotional well-being.
Increased Mindfulness: The practice encourages a heightened state of awareness, enabling participants to be more present in the moment and develop mindfulness skills that can be applied to everyday life.
Spiritual Connection: Many participants report a deepened connection to their spiritual selves, accessing a profound sense of inner wisdom and guidance.
Enhanced Creativity: The expanded state of consciousness induced by the breathwork may lead to increased creativity and a fresh perspective on challenges and opportunities.
Physical Well-being: Improved oxygenation of the body through intentional breathing can have positive effects on physical health, including increased energy levels and improved immune function.
Self-Exploration: Participants are encouraged to explore their inner landscapes, gaining insights into their thoughts, emotions, and belief systems. This self-awareness can be a powerful catalyst for personal growth and positive change.

The Sacred Journey Breathwork experience offers a unique and deeply enriching opportunity for individuals to reconnect with true divine essence, cultivate a sense of inner harmony, and embark on a transformative journey toward holistic well-being and unity consciousness.