Living Unbroken®
If you’ve been knocked down by life, been affected by divorce, toxic relationships, disease, crisis, loss, or adversity that has left you feeling lonely, heartbroken, and broken open, this proven method will get you to a better place quickly. We’ll work together to heal the heart of the matter and surviving to transformation towards thriving using the Living Unbroken process. This partnership includes cutting-edge holistic healing modalities, as well as self-love and care tools to help you reclaim your power and engage in healthier behaviors. We’ll get you through the pain together and reclaim your inner peace by activating your true essence. This is the first and most important step toward achieving long-term positive change.

“Despite how you feel in this moment, you are not broken, and it’s time you begin thriving that way” ~ Sonya
Welcome to the Living Unbroken® Healing Process!
Why Living Unbroken?
Because everything is energy and all issues are matters of the heart, this process illuminates the wounded areas in need of healing. Somatic healing assists your body in recognizing itself, allowing you to experience relief from past events that are lodged at the cellular level in your body. This is a combination of inner child healing, womb healing, shadow work, and ancestral clearing because the cycle did not begin with you. This is how you can heal and reclaim your natural state of healthy masculine and feminine energy.
If you’ve tried talk therapy and weren’t satisfied with the results, you’re not alone. This is an active approach to your subconscious, bringing to the surface precisely what needs healing. This process also works extremely well in conjunction with talk therapy; your healing does not have to take as long as mine did.
“Wow, I’ve spent two decades in talk therapy; why was this never resolved?”
“Immediately following our first session, I felt a profound shift.”
This is for you if you resonate with any of the wounded feminine or masculine energies below, and you are ready to heal back to whole.