5 Step Process in Attracting the “Right” Person for YOU!

Ever wonder how compatible you are with someone your dating? Do you ever question how compatible you are with  who you are in a relationship with now? If you don’t know your ideal image of who you are looking for then how will you know? People will treat you how you allow them to. If you don’t know where you are going any road will get you there. When you learn what energy you are putting out into the universe you will understand how to attract more of what you want and how.  The truth is: The key to a lasting relationship is understanding, patience and love.  If you don’t understand yourself, how would you be able to understand others.   The 1st step in attracting the relationships you desire is to raise your awareness on your core energy level and how you are actually coming across to others, understand  and even shift some of your values. The 2nd step is to breakthrough your energy blocks that hold you back from your true potential and successful relationships and learn healthy self-love. The 3rd step is to practice raising your energy level to attract positive into your life. The 4th step is to gain clarity on the vision who and what you want. When you ask you receive. What are you sub consciously asking for? 5th step is to begin to attract that ideal person into your life.

What is important to you in a relationship? Compatibility is nice of course however opposites attract. What really keeps a lasting high energy relationship? There’s much more than both liking bike riding.

Understanding and awareness! Learning the love language for yourself and loved one, understanding each others needs and values. Your strengths and weaknesses, your best self and how you show up under stress and conflict. We are complicated beings and no 2 people will just click and last without effort from both parties, understanding, patience and love. So if your dates and relationships are not what success looks and feels like to you, it makes sense. You’re not alone and I can help!

If you are ready to stop living the definition of insanity “Doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results.” I would love to help you attract a healthy loving relationship, it starts with YOU!

Couples love