Pranayama Workshop

November 7th 6-7:30 pm
Diamond Rolfing Studio, Concord, NH



The Power of Pranayama

Are you seeking a way to remove impurities from your body, sharpen your focus, and improve your overall health? The answer lies in something so simple, so natural, and yet so profound—your breath.

Welcome to the ancient practice of Pranayama, the art and science of breathing. As we rush through life, we often underestimate the importance of our breath, but learning how to breathe properly is essential to living a life of clarity, wellness, and balance. And now, you can experience this transformative power firsthand through the timeless wisdom of pranayama as shared by Sonya Lyn, who is returning from a profound journey to India, the birthplace of this ancient science of yoga.



What is Pranayama?

Pranayama, derived from Sanskrit, means the extension and control of life force energy through breath. This practice involves various breathing techniques that help remove toxins and impurities from your body, bring mental clarity, and enhance your physical and emotional well-being. In India, pranayama has been practiced for thousands of years, passed down from yogis and spiritual masters who recognized its profound ability to unite body, mind, and spirit.

Sonya Lyn will be sharing this ancient Eastern wisdom, as well as the deep teachings and energetic practices she received from her Swami and her initiation into Shaivism—where the individual and universal are one.

Why Proper Breathing is Essential

Our breath impacts every single part of our body and mind. Yet, many of us live in a state of shallow, inefficient breathing that can lead to stress, fatigue, and even illness. When you learn how to breathe properly, you unlock the body’s natural healing power. As Dr. Andrew Weil states:

“Proper breathing is the foundation of health.”
“If I had to limit my advice on healthier living to just one tip, it would be to learn to breathe correctly.” – Dr. Andrew Weil

Pranayama focuses on breathing with awareness, and with this practice, you can:

  • Detoxify and purify your body by removing stale air and toxins trapped in the lungs.
  • Increase oxygen flow, which nourishes your brain and improves mental clarity and focus.
  • Enhance lung capacity, leading to greater endurance and stamina.
  • Calm the mind and reduce anxiety by activating the parasympathetic nervous system.
  • Strengthen your immune system, helping to ward off illness and disease.
  • Balance emotions, cultivating peace and resilience.

Benefits of Pranayama

1. Remove Impurities

Pranayama acts as an internal cleanse for your body. By deeply engaging your lungs, you remove toxins and carbon dioxide trapped within, revitalizing your cells with fresh oxygen. This detoxification is key to achieving vibrant health.

2. Enhance Focus & Clarity

In our busy, distracted world, maintaining focus is harder than ever. But with pranayama, you can center your mind and improve your concentration. The increased oxygen flow to your brain heightens mental clarity, allowing you to think sharper and more effectively.

3. Boost Health & Vitality

Breath is life. Pranayama helps you tap into the unlimited energy within you, increasing vitality, improving digestion, balancing hormones, and boosting your immune system. When you master your breath, you master your health.

4. Stress Reduction

By learning to breathe consciously, you can lower your heart rate, calm your mind, and enter a state of deep relaxation. This is particularly beneficial in our fast-paced world where stress is a constant presence.

 5. Hormone Regulation: Pranayama can play a crucial role in balancing hormones. These techniques stimulate the parasympathetic nervous system, which helps regulate the endocrine system. This regulation can lead to a more balanced release of hormones, reducing symptoms associated with hormone imbalances such as mood swings, irregular menstrual cycles, and stress-related issues.

 6. Improved Emotional Well-being: Pranayama helps in releasing accumulated emotional tension and promotes a sense of inner calm. This emotional stability can positively impact hormone regulation, as chronic stress and negative emotions are known to disrupt hormonal balance.

7. Enhanced Energy Levels: Regular pranayama practice increases prana (life force energy) in the body, leading to higher energy levels and reduced fatigue. Some techniques invigorate the body and mind, providing a natural energy boost without the need for stimulants like caffeine.

 8. Better Sleep: Pranayama can improve sleep quality by calming the nervous system and reducing anxiety. Better sleep, in turn, supports hormone regulation, as many hormones are regulated during sleep cycles.

Learn Ancient Wisdom with Sonya Lyn

Sonya Lyn’s upcoming pranayama classes and guided breathwork and meditation sessions offer you the opportunity to learn these powerful techniques from someone deeply connected to the ancient source. Having just returned from a transformative trip to India, Sonya will be sharing authentic teachings directly from her Swami and spiritual masters.

You will learn:

  • How to breathe properly to maximize health (prana) vital life force, focus, and energy.
  • Different pranayama techniques 
  • How to use pranayama to release emotional blockages and cultivate inner peace.
  • Ways to integrate breathwork into your daily life for lasting change.

Are You Ready to Transform Your Health with Breath?

Join Sonya Lyn in rediscovering the power of your breath. Whether you’re seeking to detoxify your body, improve your focus, or simply live a more balanced life, pranayama is the key to unlocking your full potential.

Spaces are limited for Sonya’s upcoming sessions, so don’t miss out on this unique opportunity to receive ancient wisdom straight from its source. It’s time to breathe fully, live deeply, and rise into the healthiest, happiest version of yourself.

Reserve your spot today! Breath connects us all!

“Breath is the link between mind and body.”
— Dr. Andrew Weil

 She is honored to share this workshop with the Diamond Rolfing Community.